The People’s Workshop

The California Air Resources Board is in the process of redesigning the Low Carbon Fuel Standard – but impacted communities in California have been marginalized, and their concerns about funding false solutions have been pushed to the side in a flawed public process.

In response, a wide coalition of California environmental, health, labor, and scientific voices organized The People’s Workshop on May 30, 2024, to discuss vital reforms to the Low Carbon Fuel Standard that will cut air pollution, increase zero-emissions transportation, and use climate dollars more effectively.

Workshop Resources


Review summaries of the testimonies and recommendations presented at the Workshop.


Drive deeper into the answers to the most critical questions addressed during the Q&A session.


Review the slides presented at the Workshop at your own pace or follow along with the video below.

Watch the Workshop

Full Workshop


The People’s LCFS Workshop Outline

  • Moderator: Dr. Catherine Garoupa, Central Valley Air Quality Coalition and Environmental Justice Advisory Committee

  • Opening Keynote: Leslie Martinez, Leadership Council for Justice and Accountability

    Panel # 1: “Harms of the Current LCFS”

    • Phoebe Seaton, Co-founder and Co-executive Director of the Leadership Council for Justice and Accountability

    • Jovan Houston, member of the Service Employees International Union and works at LAX

    • Amelia Keyes, Attorney & Legal Fellow at Communities for a Better Environment 

    • Dr. Jeremy Martin, Senior Scientist and Director of Fuels Policy for the Union of Concerned Scientists

    • David Rodriguez, Defensores

  • Panel #2: “Importance of Funding Electrification”

    • Angie Balderas, Digital Strategist and Communications coordinator with the People’s Collective for Environmental Justice

    • Román Partida-López, Senior Legal Counsel for Transportation Equity at the Greenlining Institute

    • Sasan Saadat, Senior Research and Policy Analyst at Earthjustice

    • Dr. Colin Murphy, Deputy Director of the UC Davis Policy Institute for Energy

    • Dr. Michael Wara, Senior Research Scholar with the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment at Stanford University

  • Video Presentation: “Our Clean Air Vision”

  • Community Comment Period

  • Q&A Session

  • Closing Keynote: Andrea Vidaurre, People's Collective for Environmental Justice